Tag: og xbox
Halo 1 Racing Mappack v1
This mappack contains maps centered around (Warthog) racing. Download: https://archive.org/download/H1Mappacks/Halo%20Racing%20Mappack%20v1.zip
Halo 1 Map Conversions v5
Continuing in the ‘Map Conversions’ mappack legacy, comes Halo 1 Map Conversions v5. Includes 13 Halo Custom Edition converted to work on Original Xbox. Download: https://archive.org/download/H1Mappacks/Halo%20MC%20v5.zip
Halo 1 Forgotten Mods
A new map pack by Dominater01 includes various Halo 1 Blood Gulch modded maps. Download: https://archive.org/download/H1Mappacks/Halo%201%20Forgotten%20Mods%20v1.zip
Halo 1 Modded Gametypes and Game Saves
A new download published by Dominater01 includes modified Halo 1 gametypes that allow for higher kill limits for Slayer, and much more. Download here: https://archive.org/download/H1Mappacks/Halo%201%20Modded%20Gametypes%20and%20Gamesaves%20%28v1%29.7z
Play as a Jackal
This mod by Kasper ZERO allows you to play as a jackal in Halo multiplayer. These two maps are Xbox cache files assigned to the level Halo (‘a30’). One is playing as a Grunt, the other playing as a Jackal. The grunt has recharging health and faces respawning enemies. The jackal faces a set amount…
Play as Lucario (Pokemon) in Halo 1
This Xbox map pack by Kasper ZERO allows you to play as Lucario in Halo multiplayer. Lucario is fully animated like the Master Chief. Comes with new intro and user interface. Extended Edition Maps include: Abandon Anxiety Corrupted Facility Falls Isolation Lost Muster Plateau Swamp Lab Tundra Original Post & Download: https://www.se7ensins.com/forums/threads/xbox-play-as-lucario-in-multiplayer.1771098/
Original Xbox Emulator (Update)
For years, we’ve been looking forward to an Original Xbox emulator for the PC. Now it looks like it’s on the horizon, with XQEMU. This will enable resolutions of 4K (and beyond) without any additional hardware (e.g. an Xbox One X or Xbox One S), resulting in a much crisper image. It also supports System…
New Halo 1 Mappack: Halo 2 DLC
A new mappack made by Dominater01 includes Halo 2 DLC maps, ported to Halo 1. Maps include: Turf Sanctuary Terminal Gemini Relic Containment Elongation Desolation Released: 2019-06-20 Download: https://archive.org/download/H1Mappacks
New Halo 1 Mappack: Halo 2
A new mappack made by Dominater01 includes 13 original Halo 2 maps, ported to Halo 1. Released: 2019-06-19 Maps include: Warlock Ascension Midship Colossus Foundation Burial Mounds Ivory Tower Waterworks Lockout Zanzibar Headlong Beaver Creek Coagulation Download: https://archive.org/download/H1Mappacks